A human being should be able to:
- change a diaper: check!
- plan an invasion: ...I can get your leftover pizza. That's invasion-like.
- butcher a hog: oh, probably not, darling. I can gather leaves and such, though.
- conn a ship: I...don't know what that is. So...no. Sorry!
- design a building: in the most basic sense, yes! Woo-hoo, another one done!
- write a sonnet: sure, okay!
- balance accounts: to some extent, sure...
- build a wall: out of cardboard boxes especially!
- set a bone: yes.
- comfort the dying: I hope I can.
- take orders: sir, yes, sir!
- give orders: sir, yes, sir!
- cooperate: yes! If we just do things my way, especially.
- act alone: absolutely.
- solve equations: 2 + 2 = 5
- analyze a new problem: sure!
- pitch manure: even know where I could get the pitchfork!
- program a computer: gosh, I hope so...
- cook a tasty meal: definitely
- fight efficiently: hopefully!
- die gallantly: I will be the best at being dead.