Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Cheerful Thoughts

I got my driver's license in the mail today, for the state in which I reside and vote and all that. It will expire on my thirtieth birthday, which has made this far-off day that much more finite and real-- I need to be at the DMV that day, renewing my license. Hurray.

The license clearly has me marked as an organ donor, which pleases me. I'm setting aside certain important organs (liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.) for family members should they need them, but I'd like to consider myself an equal opportunity donor. My blood type is O positive; I'm compatible with a large portion of the public. And upon my untimely demise-- hopefully not of cancer, but, you know, that's my expected cause of death. By me, and absolutely no medical person. (You're a hypochondriac, internet; not me)

Which led me to my happy morbid thought of the evening: I don't want to be on life support for an extended amount of time unless the nice medical team has plans to take me off it very, very quickly. I guess I prefer quality of life over quantity of life.

So, I want to be unplugged (should it become necessary), but I want my organs to be disseminated throughout the populace as necessary before that happens. Or after. Not quite clear on when the organs would be. . .is harvested the right term? My feeble attempts to learn more about this topic before retiring for the evening are just making me think more and more about eventually becoming sort of insensate plant for other people's survival. Possibly after passing out at the DMV on my thirtieth birthday. There I'll be, in the prime of my life, IVs and tubes sticking into me like an incredibly pale pincushion.


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